
For Retail Entrepreneurs

Surround yourself with other likeminded founders in PSco’s first group experience. Designed specifically for professional makers, storefronts, and indie brands. Venture will put you in an environment where you will have access to retail subject matter experts, PS teaching / advisement, and a community of entrepreneurs to challenge, encourage, and hold you accountable along the journey.

Stop trying to grow via topline only. It’s a trap. True growth is intentional, courageous, and informed. 

Stop watching your competition & listening to instagram “experts.” Believe in yourself & what you know your business can be. Protect it!

The Venture process is only for those that are long term committed. We aren’t going to hack your ads & lists for a short term only gains. It’s a combination of how to address the urgent needs of the business without losing sight of where we ultimately want to go.

Note from Phil

When I was growing my previous business, I got really stuck between the $800k-$1m revenue range. Some call it a valley of death. It’s when the revenue you’re generating can’t afford the solutions you need. 

Good news, there’s an end to that valley. 

Bad news, there are more valleys down the road. [we’ll talk more about those later]

What finally got me unstuck was when I stopped doing everything myself and put team and processes in place so areas of the business could not be so reliant on my own effort. 

It took about a year of laying the foundation, cutting the BS, and getting pieces in place but once it was built we grew almost 100% year over year. This was year 3 of our business and it happened without paid ads, crazy marketing hacks, or a team that had a “ton” of experience. 

The best part, we were profitable. 

Simple, but not easy. 

In this program I will teach you all that I learned and put you around resources, experts, and in environments that are the supporting cast to this amazing journey. It’s designed for those stuck around the $300k-$600k in revenue range and looking to break into 7 figures over the next couple of years. 

There are a few brands over $1m that are in the group shoring up their foundation. Internal growth always precedes stable external growth. 

The price and time requirements are based on a modest budget and an already intense workload.

Venture is for those that deeply desire progress that they have yet to accomplish. A confidence and stability that always seems out of reach. 

Retail is hard as hell. If all the core elements aren’t working together, at the end of the day, there’s no $ left! 

As soon as you join we create a game plan to address your urgent needs & set a plan for how we course correct for the long term vision.

Upcoming Modules

Finance for Founders: launching this June. 

Stable Sales : launching late summer. 

*The info that will be in these are taught regularly in workshops & member calls.

There are five core modules with ancillary modules being delivered constantly:

  1. Mindset -  The foundation of everything. Ignore it at your own peril! This module goes into some practices that will arm you with confidence and resolve to handle the inevitable curveballs you’ll be thrown.

  2. You -  I believe that your business is the vessel by which you achieve the freedoms you want in life. If you aren’t clear on what you want [most people aren’t], it’ll always feel like drifting. Clarity = energy! 

  3. Brand - Businesses that don’t differentiate never thrive, they only survive. As we pour everything into our brands we must make sure we are constantly appealing to and moving into a deeper relationship with our ideal audience. This is many creative entrepreneurs' achilles heel. Showing the world what makes you…you. 

  4. Team - #1 way you grow a company, people. It’s not about the size of the team, it’s about its about their alignment, discipline, & drive. Small is mightly. This module walks you through how create foundational layers of clarity, autonomy, and feedback that will yield the results you cannot get alone.

  5. Operating System - The #2 way to grow your business, process. I’m a creative and loath systems but that doesn’t mean I don’t respect them. The OS that is taught is meant for business entrepreneurs that need a simple way to make sure, ultimately, the health of the company is steady. It keeps the main the main thing and takes out the emotion in decision making.

2024 Experts We’ve Heard From

  • CFO Level Financials

  • Founder Lead HR

  • Copywriting

* Experts are sourced based on group needs and trends.

Access to Expertise 

Upcoming Experts

  • Creating Wholesale Strategy

  • Brand Positioning & Differentiation

  • PR for Small Brands

  • Navigating Wholesale Agreements with Majors

  • Customer Journey | Unaware to Raving Fan

  • Ad Strategy that Considers All Areas of the Business

* Content will be taught in mix of interactive working sessions, done on your own time, and open discussions.

Membership Includes:

  • Lifetime Access to Digital Content / Courses

    • Includes 5 Core Modules 

      • With companion worksheets 

      • Suggested Additional Resources

  • Ancillary Modules

    • Modules that you can access as needed 

    • Continually Updated for Relevancy & Effect

  • 1 Year Access to Live Calls

    • 4x Monthly Calls 

      • 1x Workshop

      • 1x Subject Matter Expert 

      • 2x Open Coaching Calls

    • Strategic Planning

      • Annual Planning Intensive

      • 3x Quarterly Planning Sessions

  • Live Events*

    • Details TBD

    • Additional Costs May Apply

  • Community Communication Channels

    • Access to our Slack channels for:

      • Resources

      • Program Information / Questions

      • Community 

      • Support.

Venture Model

Venture is dense but it’s the right work.

This program is designed to be taken at the pace you need at a depth that will stand the test of time. 

If you give me 1 year of your life I promise, you will see results.

This group is about getting you in front of the right information and the right people. The combination of the two is where the magic happens. 

When you are learning and applying it consistently, that’s real growth. 

The right [information + environment] *[time + consistency] = growth

Requirements to Join:

  1. You have to want it. Change does not happen without your commitment. 

  2. At least 2 years in business.

  3. In Retail - Maker, Brand, Storefront

* I understand the business is nuanced. If you feel that this is the program for you but do not meet the requirements, feel free to apply and we can discuss.